Monday, December 13, 2010

Current Events QTR 2 Week 8: Propose Cigarette Product Warning

           The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (Tobacco Control Act) requires that cigarette packages and advertisements have larger and more visible graphic health warnings. 
FDA issued a proposed ruleRequired Warnings for Cigarette Packages and Advertisements, proposing to modify the required warnings that appear on cigarette packages and in cigarette advertisements.  These new required warnings would consist of nine new textual warning statements accompanied by color graphics depicting the negative health consequences of smoking. 
        In my opinion, I think the Tobacco Control Act is right. They should put pictures on the pack so the smokers know what they are putting there selfs in. They also have good warnings on there packets. I think it will make people to strive to quit. I hope this effects smokers and helps them.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Current Events QTR 2 Week 7: What if we ha no air security check?

            In this article, it talks about how the Transportation Security Administration seems to have been caught off guard by the genuine anger on the part of passengers in recent days. Americans have acquiesced for so long to just about anything the government has asked them to accept in the name of national security that the TSA may have thought that of course, if safety was at stake, the public would always willingly go along.But the body-imaging machines that see through clothing, paired with the humiliating new pat-downs, have, perhaps for the first time since 2001, made people begin to ask the question: How much is too much? 
         In my opinion, we shouldn't have to walk through these body-imaging machines. We should be able to pick body-imaging or the regular walk through machines. I agree we should be protected but not like this.The saddest thing is that it is, indeed, becoming a controversy in which those with opposing viewpoints are characterized as being on different sides. We should be able to choose on age, weight and height. In my opinion.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Current Events QTR 2 Week 5:Hunger grows in the heartland

In Moberly, as in many school districts, free or reduced-priced breakfasts and lunches are served during the week to children whose families don't have a lot of money. But school officials in Moberly had noticed that some children were coming to school hungry on Monday mornings. There hadn't been enough food in their homes to feed them on Saturdays and Sundays or the parents, for whatever reason, had not been around to prepare meals.Last year about 106 children needed there backpacks full of donated food to make it through the weekends. 

In my opinion, parents should be there to feed kids. If students are not getting food at home but coming to school with excuses isn't right. Parents should be able to feed them and take care of there health. I can understand at school since kids get free lunch and breakfest. The kids need to speak up to there parents. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Current Events QTR 2 Week 3: How cell phones have changed our lives

Yes, cell phones can be distracting, annoying, trivial and frustrating. Yes, they generally offer poorer quality less reliable voice call connections compared to land lines. Yes, they can be an attention-absorbing cloak that people hide behind to isolate themselves from the people around them. But cell phones also now provide vital services and human connections. They connect people in dire need with services that can change their lives and offer new hope even through simple broadcast text messages.
In my opinion, yes, i think cell phones have changed the way we think. Also our cells may phones may help us when we are in danger like we get in a car accident or something pops up. And the  way we act, us people are growing a part because of cell phones. We think diffrent and explore less forget to see what teh world really is. In my opinion phones have changed the world.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Current Events QTR 2 Week 2: Halloween

Summary: This week is halloween! It is on a Sunday this may affect students with there work. And the candy may  be something bad for you. And the students may not go to school the next day. Thats my summary!

i think we should have the day off the next day. This is so we can sleep in so we are fully fousced for the next day of school. Also we should be able to have no curfue. IN my opinopn we should do whatever we want and not go to school. Thats my opinion.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Current Events QTR 2 Week 1:Death toll rises in Mexican border city shooting

    On October 24th, 2010 The victims of  Chihuahua State Attorney General Carlos Manuel Salas told reporters that another 14 people were injured when gunmen attacked the gathering of young people at a house party Friday. The victims killed were between ages 14 and 30. Children as young as 7 and 11 were among the injured, the agency reported. Near another home where cartel gunmen stormed a house party in January, killing 15 people. Most of the victims in that shooting were youths who had no ties to organized crime.

       In my opinion, I think who ever killed these people must have killed the 15 youths in the month of January. This killer must have been againist these people or their culture which is racism. Also, why would these people kill young people and in the same street?  I don't think this person should have killed these young people even if they had something against them, we need to stop this kind of stuff thats going on around the world. And this person must have none these party's have been going on because how would this person know unless he has been stalking. I think we should be more careful around these crazy people. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Toxic Spill this week. 10/10/10

This week in Hungary a Toxic Spill  occurred this week in Hungary. The spill came from an aluminum plant that leaked the toxic sludge throughout the town.  The spill from the plant did contain some toxic metals but so far no other toxicis have been found. Spokesman of the disaster agency tibor dobson said the older cracks were being repaired. The spokesperson also said it was too early to lower the current state of alert and about 800 people evcuated.this came after Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban raised the chances for collapse of the north wall. 
In my opinion i think the people who are in charged should have watched out. I think everyone should leave because this could effect them anytime. Also the people should have warned the country. The toxic could have killed the kids. thats my opinion !

Monday, October 4, 2010

YOUR Pick for Obama's Next Chief of Staff.

 This article has some pictures that are making fun of our president. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, these images say it with pictures instead of words: Rahm Emanuel has left his job as President Obama's chief of staff. And now they have to choose the new staff member.
 In my opinion tehy should pick someone thats responsible. Also tese pictures may effect president Obama !

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sports at SSMS

Summary:This fall 2 sports have started off. Volleyball and Football, These sports need new equitment such as, volleyball and footballs. Also they need new uniforms to show them that  they can succeed. Our School has many wins and few lost. Thats this weeks current event.

I Agree these athletes deserve better. If they get new stuff they might work better and harder. The county should support and help. And they will know what if feels like to be a winner. Thats my opinion.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

President Obama


This Week President Obama gave a speech on being a success in school. This speech was held at a blue ribbon school in Philadelphia. In his speech he talked how he was a kid and growing up and how he needed to put his act together. Also a student welcomed our President to there wonderful school, this student had a speech prepared and everything. All in all the speech told students to strive for and be what they want to be.

In my opinion I don't think that this speech has made a differnce in any of our lives. This
is so because he said what a any parent or teacher would have said. He told us about his life and i respect where he came from but his parent told him the same thing over and over again and it helped him and it wouldn't have done anythng with me or not. He is our President and we should listen to him but whrn he makes a useless statement it doesn't affect us. This is my opinion on our Presidents Speech.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Opinion

I think they should stop trying to get all the oil out because it will lead to more spills. Thats why they sould just leave everything alone. So what if our oceans are yucky we will help and do our part when they ask us to. The ocean is getting really disgusting and our oceans aren't so pretty anymore because of BP. Tey hould just stop whatever they are doing. Thats my opinion!

Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Summary

BP took a step Wednesday towards reassuring investors that it wasn't solely to blame for the Gulf oil spill .and that it won't have to foot the entire cost.  internal report on what it believes went wrong when a rig exploded and started the massive Gulf oil spill never mentions the words blame, regret, apology, mistake or pollution. Also is it BP's fault again? These oil spills are affecting our area and we may not have such pretty beaches any more!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Birthright and citizenship . opinion .

I think the law should stay the same. I think this because they were born here even though there parents snuck in its not there fault there parents moved here. Also, if they change the law they most likley would have to move mack to where ever they come from. And, the babie have there rights because they where born here not there parents. Thats why they should keep the law.

I think this represents citizenship because the article talks how the babies are us citizens.

Birthrights and citizenship.

Senator Lindsey Graham and some other Republicans are conserding a law to ban birthright citizenship. Brithright citizenship is when you are born in the U.S.A and you are grantueed american citizenship.This means children of illegal immigrants would be armerica citizens. Many people that are here illegally sat here after they have babies because america is a great country. the reason they wnat to change this law is because it costs tax payers alot of money.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


In my opinion i think that King Tut was murdered because I wouldn't like a King who is sell fish and is a teen. Also they found a blow in the head. And they put the King up for a MRI. They king seems like he would have got servents to go the hunting for him. Thats why i think King Tut was murdered.


                      In my article people think King Tut was murdered. People also thought he died in a hunting accident. Also people thought he was murdered by a blow from the head . But the truth is scientists in Egypt believe that he had a bone disorder and thats what caused his death. After the King died the scientists believed he fractured his leg in a fall. Thats my summary about King Tut.