Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sports at SSMS

Summary:This fall 2 sports have started off. Volleyball and Football, These sports need new equitment such as, volleyball and footballs. Also they need new uniforms to show them that  they can succeed. Our School has many wins and few lost. Thats this weeks current event.

I Agree these athletes deserve better. If they get new stuff they might work better and harder. The county should support and help. And they will know what if feels like to be a winner. Thats my opinion.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

President Obama


This Week President Obama gave a speech on being a success in school. This speech was held at a blue ribbon school in Philadelphia. In his speech he talked how he was a kid and growing up and how he needed to put his act together. Also a student welcomed our President to there wonderful school, this student had a speech prepared and everything. All in all the speech told students to strive for and be what they want to be.

In my opinion I don't think that this speech has made a differnce in any of our lives. This
is so because he said what a any parent or teacher would have said. He told us about his life and i respect where he came from but his parent told him the same thing over and over again and it helped him and it wouldn't have done anythng with me or not. He is our President and we should listen to him but whrn he makes a useless statement it doesn't affect us. This is my opinion on our Presidents Speech.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Opinion

I think they should stop trying to get all the oil out because it will lead to more spills. Thats why they sould just leave everything alone. So what if our oceans are yucky we will help and do our part when they ask us to. The ocean is getting really disgusting and our oceans aren't so pretty anymore because of BP. Tey hould just stop whatever they are doing. Thats my opinion!

Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico Summary

BP took a step Wednesday towards reassuring investors that it wasn't solely to blame for the Gulf oil spill .and that it won't have to foot the entire cost.  internal report on what it believes went wrong when a rig exploded and started the massive Gulf oil spill never mentions the words blame, regret, apology, mistake or pollution. Also is it BP's fault again? These oil spills are affecting our area and we may not have such pretty beaches any more!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Birthright and citizenship . opinion .

I think the law should stay the same. I think this because they were born here even though there parents snuck in its not there fault there parents moved here. Also, if they change the law they most likley would have to move mack to where ever they come from. And, the babie have there rights because they where born here not there parents. Thats why they should keep the law.

I think this represents citizenship because the article talks how the babies are us citizens.

Birthrights and citizenship.

Senator Lindsey Graham and some other Republicans are conserding a law to ban birthright citizenship. Brithright citizenship is when you are born in the U.S.A and you are grantueed american citizenship.This means children of illegal immigrants would be armerica citizens. Many people that are here illegally sat here after they have babies because america is a great country. the reason they wnat to change this law is because it costs tax payers alot of money.