Friday, January 21, 2011

BP 1 QTR3: T-Shirt Travels Reaction Paper

Q1. What did the narrator have to learn when she lived in the remote village in Zambia? What was she curious to inform people about? According to Luka, why does he inspect the clothing before he makes his purchases? As a child, what obstacles did he face to attend school?
A1. The narrator had to learn that they are not very lucky the way they live. She wants to know if the people that live here really know how they get there clothes that have been sent for our country, the United States. Luka inspects the clothes because he wants to get good money off of it and if people will by it and make good use of the clothes. In order for Luka to stay in school he had to sell fire wood in a near by forest.

Q4. According to the film, what do Zambians think of Americans?
A4. Zambians think we talk in terms of cash. As in everything we do we do it in cash. That we are greedy bussiness people. For example if we were to do any type of trade money would have to be invovled. They also think when we speak in terms of cash is that we have to much of it.

Q6. What are some of the ambitions of the citizens in Zambia? What is the ultimate message of T-Shirt Travels?
A6. I think there goals are to make money and flow like America in our trading and money systems. They ultimate message of T-travels shows how the clothes end up and how people get them. In New Jersey they send them out to seas and someone sells them those people sell them to the market to get money and provide family. I think Process is helping them out with there econmy so they can experince the money life.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping for your answers to be more developed and to go beyond simply giving me the least amount of information that was asked for. You should have used facts/numbers/figures from the movie to support your points.
